Saturday, August 31, 2019

Ground Water Pollution by Fertilizers

Land Water Pollution by Fertilizers Table of Content Introduction Situation Problem Solution Decrease of the Procedure Chemicals Evaluation Organic Fertilizers Inorganic Fertilizers Decision MentionsIntroductionThis essay is based on the subject â€Å"Ground Water Pollution by Fertilizers† . Furthermore, it is further divided into four different parts that contains state of affairs, job, solution and rating. The initial portion of this considered essay focal points on the current state of affairs of land H2O pollution by fertilisers, and the following portion discusses some serious jobs that people faced presents. The 3rd stage entails of import ways or solutions to undertake this lifting job in an appropriate mode, farther the last portion of this essay discusses the rating of all three stages.SituationThe groundwater taint appears where there is a alteration of groundwater. The alteration implies the tainting by micro-organisms, chemicals, harmful and insecure substances and atoms, which is to boot the indispensable groundwater taint ( Rail, 2000 ) . In malice of the fact that groundwater pollution on occasion happens due to the regular or man-made stuff, the be ginnings that conveying about the groundwater pollution are hardly characteristic or man-made. Truly, natural beginnings are non every bit hurtful as 1s produced by human exercisings may be. Those human exercisings bring about a few noxious and deathful stuffs, and when they touch the surface of the land, they can perforate into the belowground degree, and foul the H2O at that place. The grade that those chemicals contaminate the H2O relies on upon their kinds, the soil conditions that they have polluted ( Bjerg, 2000 ) . At that point, what are the beginnings in charge of the groundwater taint? The principal and important one is concerns. Chemical and other fabrication concerns need to treat and clean the H2O every bit much as possible for that ground they frequently use different sorts of chemicals that increase the land H2O pollution ( Tellam, 2007 ) . Then once more, when they have completed the procedure of managing and cleaning H2O, they neglect to suiting handle the utilised H2O, which is planned to be reused, therefore, the untreated utilised H2O watercourses go into the land and contaminates the groundwater. Furthermore, solid industrial wastes are to boot in charge of the groundwater taint, which can weaken deadly stuffs to groundwater pollution after rains and rainwater leaks underground ( Brebbia, 2014 ) . Furthermore, the agricultural exercisings are an surrogate intent behind groundwater taint, in which the fertilisers and other mixture substances can easy foul the groundwater ( Zobisch, 2006 ) . Persons are at some point in charge of the groundwater pollution, in visible radiation of the fact that they bring legion insecure and harmful substances to the groundwater, and subsequently foul it. These substances are characterized as the groundwater toxicants. In visible radiation of their qualities, they could be separated into point root and non-point 1. The point toxins are the 1s from sewerage pipes or armored combat vehicles ; and the non-point 1s are pesticides and fertilisers, which will efficaciously distribute over legion typical districts ( Thangarajan, 2002 ) .ProblemThere is an issue of groundwater pollution by high N fertiliser. It is revived from the surface, streams underneath the land and in the terminal watercourse to the surface. Generally, difference between the ground water and river or saltwater is that one frequently includes dirt wets and other does non ( Hill, 2010 ) . There is similarly an actuality that groundwater has any longer rhythm term than that of the ocean or river H2O. An single can use submerged for agribusiness, industry and imbibing in some zone, which has less H2O. The important issue with groundwater is that it is influenced by N included in fertiliser and this leads legion persons to decease because they have merely groundwater to imbibe ( Giordano, 2007 ) . Fertilizer is known as a substance that supplies workss addendums like N or P, and this is the best methods for heightening creative activity of merchandise and nutriment quality. Previously, people did non hold unreal compost, evidently ; nevertheless, some of the experts discovered the first synthesis fertiliser in 19th century ( Ramachandra, 2006 ) . From that point, people have enhanced the quality and use of fertiliser and they have two kinds of fertilisers, natural and inorganic, now. Natural compost incorporates regular natural stuffs, so natural one is utile for nature ‘s sphere. In actuality, inorganic manure incorporates high N, which is begun from ammonium. The methodological analysis of doing inorganic manure is called Haber-Bosch procedure and inorganic compost is called manufactured compost. The ground for pollution in groundwater is supposed to nitrogen included in bogus man-made compost ( Pipkin, 2013 ) . In add-on, included nitrogen interaction affects submerged taint. The bulk of the N in the land starts from high N fertiliser nevertheless, some of them are from industrial waste and sewerage. As a regulation, N in fertiliser and other types have typical word pictures. At the point when there are two kinds of N in the land, N get downing from industrial waste and sewerage is effortlessly retained. This implies N from manure can non be assimilated good ; raindrops wash it, and do the submerged pollution ( Komatina, 2004 ) . Despite the fact that there are legion beginnings of N ( both common and anthropogenetic ) that could conceivably motivate the taint of the groundwater with nitrates, the anthropogenetic beginnings are genuinely the 1s that on a regular basis cause the step of nitrate to mount to an insecure degree. Waste stuffs are one of the anthropogenetic beginnings of nitrate befoulment of groundwater ( Pepper, 2011 ) . Numerous beginnings of possible nitrate tainting of groundwater exist, for illustration, â€Å" sites utilize for transportation of human and creature sewerage ; industrial waste identified with nourishment preparing, and some Polynesian offices ; and topographic points where managing and inadvertent autumn of nitrogen-bearing stuff may garner. Septic armored combat vehicles are one of the most critical illustrations of anthropogenetic beginning N befoulment of the groundwater. There are different parts of the universe where they have reported important taint of groundwater from septic armored combat vehicles ( Brebbia, 2014 ) . Ground H2O pollution is usually identified with the thickness of infected models. In to a great extent populated scopes, infected models can talk to a existent local beginning of nitrate to the groundwater. Then once more, in less populated parts infected models do non by and large posture much of a danger to groundwater pollution ( Singhal, 2010 ) . The echt issue by high N fertiliser is submerged taint every bit good as an unnatural conditions alteration, eutrophication and well-being effects. Carbon dioxide ( CO2 ) and methane ( Ch4 ) is greenhouse gasses yet azotic oxide ( N2O ) is besides considered as a nursery gas. At the point when high N fertiliser is put underneath the surface, microscopic beings in dirt deteriorate N and produce azotic oxide. At that point, it goes non yet decided because gas is lighter than dirt ( Mukherjee, 2013 ) . Following echt issue is eutrophication. Eutrophication is phenomena that there is an inordinate sum of addendums in the lake or river and a few kinds of species to develop so good that different species can non populate comfortably. For case, when the nitrate fertiliser watercourses in waterways, it promotes development of small workss on the surface of the watercourse. These workss are on the surface so the workss in the underside of the watercourse can non acquire adequate daytime and make photosynthesis ( Herda, 2013 ) .SolutionThe submerged taint has legion echt issues so an single must avoid H2O taint. There are two attacks to prevent taint. The first is to see whether N fertiliser is genuinely needed or non. This helps persons lessen taint and salvage their resources. The 2nd manner is to works trees so that soil decomposition will non go on ( Bjerg, 2000 ) . Trees change C dioxide into oxide in their photosynthesis and ascribe to ease a unsafe atmospheric devotedness. They hav e to reassess whether high N compost is genuinely an ideal attack to force works development. In the event that they continue using fertilisers at this gait, the Earth will be increasingly harmed ( Chesworth, 2008 ) . To command taint because of these material workss in the zones around them the attach toing steps could be taken with a specific terminal end to construct long-run sustainability as a corporate process, which is entirely adjusted to the concern aims of being productive in the terminal, and procure big market portion. The H2O used as a portion of preparing of stuffs is lessened to an extended grade such that the emanating focal point is constrained to a labeled small volume of H2O and it does non get down impacting larger volume of H2O ( Marinov, 2010 ) .Decrease of the Procedure ChemicalsThe process chemicals make more than 90 to 93 per centum of the taint by different organisations. This likewise cuts down the coevals cost every bit far as the chemicals use. It might be accomplished through recycling different chemicals when procedures are finished. For Example: Acerb sodium carbonate is recouped from the mercerizing and sourcing and is therefore sifted and dialyzed so it might be r eused ( Pepper, 2011 ) . The procedure alteration would include little accommodations in the different techniques utilized amid piecing within petition to do lesser taint and lessens unneeded wastage of H2O. Certain other chemicals can likewise be utilized amid piecing so that recovering those chemicals get to be simple and it in this mode could be utilized as a portion of farther collection processs ( Nair, 2004 ) . Through different alimentary direction undertakings, husbandmans are put to deathing best direction patterns that advance the proficiency of fertiliser usage by fiting supplement supply with merchandise necessities and to minimise alimentary loses. Throughout the old ages, there have been alterations in cultivating patterns to decrease nitrate filtering ( Giordano, 2007 ) . These integrated applications of N fertilisers, which include the best possible steps of N and other works addendums for overpowering harvest growing focused around dirt and works tissue proving. Soil moistness detectors are presently accessible that consider the persistent checking of dirt H2O position in the dirt. Fustigation has ended up more celebrated for its adept use of H2O and addendums, gigantically decreasing run outing and spillover of nitrates ( Chesworth, 2008 ) . Similarly, more late there have been new technological promotion is adopted, for illustration, the distant detection of in-season N position of harvests for auxiliary readying including maize and wheat, and is right off being developed for rock nutrients grown from the land crops and Prunus dulciss. Crop-particular and often even some other algorithms take into consideration exact and spatially variable application of the ideal N rate ( Mukherjee, 2013 ) . Furthermore, promotion is continuously made to concentrate nitrogen disposal zones guided by aeronautical symbolism, picture taking to catch N anxiousness, and detectors to calculate nitrogen application rates while tracking the field. As this new technology gets to be more settled and moderate, its appropriation in different portion of the universe will be loosely acknowledged ( Rail, 2000 ) .EvaluationFertilizers are those chemical compounds that are peculiarly used to increase the growing rate of works and nutrients grown. These are usually connected either through the dirt or by foliar prolonging. They are besides connected to sea-going state of affairss. There are two types of fertilisers organic fertiliser and inorganic fertiliser and they are as follows ;Organic FertilizersOrganic fertilisers are â€Å" normally † happening compounds, which utilize natural process of composting or on a regular basis accessible mineral shops. These fertilisers can take more clip to interrupt down and be assimilated into the dirt and into the workss than inorganic fertiliser ( Pipkin, 2013 ) . On the other manus, the organic fertilisers enhance the well-being and productiveness of dirt and workss, as they present different critical addendums to back up the works growing. The organic foods expand the profusion of dirt life signifiers by giving natural affair and micronutrients to organic entities, for illustration, contagious mycorrhiza, which supports workss in retaining addendums ( Bjerg, 2000 ) .Inorganic Fertil izersInorganic fertilisers are manufactured through complete chemical process, to boot using of course go oning, while synthetically modifying them for illustration concentrated ternary superphosphate. The inorganic manures has important constituents of Phosphorous, Nitrogen, and Potassium quickly accessible for workss without break down like in organic and workss can retain them immediately. Likewise, works could be given definite step of addendums that it needs maintaining in head the terminal end to be solid and less expensive to buy and speedy to use ( Nair, 2004 ) . Largely fertilisers contribute N ( N ) to the Earth and do issue of nitrate taint of H2O and taint of air with nitrate oxide, different oxides of N and base. These gasses help the nursery impact, worldwide warming as their spread outing focal points in the clime and to the annihilation of the stratospheric ozone bed, which secures the Earth from ultraviolet radiation ( Herda, 2013 ) . The manures and animal have created batch of issues of nitrate taint. Greenhouse gas of Azotic oxide ( N2O ) likewise helps the obliteration of the stratospheric ozone when changed over to azotic oxide. N2O is basically created in the life techniques of nitrification and gentrification. To construct the effectivity of N, manure utilizes through alterations, inhibitors of life techniques and in add-on better disposals to vouch expanded nourishment coevals while procuring the natural resources ( Marinov, 2010 ) . While proposed to progress dirts, overexploitation of fertilisers can impact the overall productiveness of harvests in a pessimistic mode. Since most merchandises are suited to a impersonal pH scope, dirt agitation from significant N inputs can equilibrate the expected impacts of fertiliser add-on. Most of the agribusiness experts say that legion countries would profit from application decreases of up to 50 to 60 per centum. China is the universe ‘s top purchaser of fertilisers and it is evaluated that 10 million dozenss of compost used in China ‘s waterways ( Zobisch, 2006 ) . As it was observed due to the extra usage of fertilisers, it increases the groundwater pollution to the extreme degree. It is a premier responsibility of each & A ; every person to take some serious stairss in order to cut down the use of fertilisers to get the better of the job of groundwater pollution every bit much as possible. For that intent, legion ways that can help an person to do proper sc hemes while utilizing different types of fertilisers because it can act upon the productiveness of harvests in both ways optimistic and pessimistic ( Hill, 2010 ) .DecisionTo reason this essay it was found that the fertilisers could be good to heighten the overall productiveness of harvests that will finally help the higher functionary of a state to carry through the demand of their citizens in an appropriate mode. On the other manus, it was noticed that the use of different sorts of fertilisers increase the groundwater pollution that will finally impact the overall environment of a part in a negative mode.MentionsBjerg, P.L. , 2000.Groundwater 2000. CRC Press. Brebbia, C.A. , 2014.Water Pollution XII. WIT Press. Chesworth, W. , 2008.Encyclopedia of Soil Science. Springer Science & A ; Business Media. Giordano, M. , 2007.The Agricultural Groundwater Revolution. CABI. Herda, D.J. , 2013.From Container to Kitchen. New Society Publishers. Hill, M.K. , 2010.Understanding Environmental Pollution. 3rd erectile dysfunction. Cambridge University Press. Komatina, M. , 2004.Medical Geology. Elsevier. Marinov, A.M. , 2010.Water Pollution X. WIT Press. Mukherjee, S. , 2013.Environmental Scenario in India. Routledge. Nair, P.K.R. , 2004.New Vistas in Agroforestry. Springer Science & A ; Business Media. Pepper, I.L. , 2011.Environmental and Pollution Science. 2nd erectile dysfunction. Academic Press. Pipkin, B. , 2013.Geology and the Environment. 7th erectile dysfunction. Cengage Learning. Rail, C.D. , 2000.Groundwater Contamination: Management. CRC Press. Ramachandra, T.V. , 2006.Dirt and Groundwater Pollution from Agricultural Activities. TERI Press. Singhal, B.B.S. , 2010.Applied Hydrogeology of Fractured Rocks. Springer Science & A ; Business Media. Tellam, J.H. , 2007.Urban Groundwater Management and Sustainability. Springer Science & A ; Business Media. Thangarajan, M. , 2002.Sustainable Development and Management of Groundwater Resources in Semi-Arid Regions with Particular Reference to Hard Rocks. CRC Press. Zobisch, M.A. , 2006.Resource Use and Agricultural Sustainability. kassel university imperativeness GmbH.

Friday, August 30, 2019

Life Changing Moment Essay

Ever since I can remember I spent almost ever y day at my Grandparents house. They live right down the road from my family and me, and that is how they got the title â€Å"Grandma and Grandpa down the road†. They lived in a small house three bedrooms, one bathroom, and a small living room with a fire place that can worm the coldest heart. And in their back yard stood a shed filled with old farm equipment and stray cats with their kittens that I would try to catch every day. They are now both 78 years old and sadly not very healthy. My grandpa was diagnosed with lung cancer in October, and it changed my grandpa’s life, my family’s life, and my life. I remember that October day so perfectly. I got out of class, called my Aunt Gwen for directions to the hospital he was at, and went on my way. I arrived at the hospital just as my grandpa was slowly making his way down the hallway with his oxygen and with my aunt right by his side. I look at her face and I can tell she is trying to hold back tears. My Uncle Jacky was there too which is my grandpas oldest son. After the doctors we went to Ryan’s restaurant and ate lunch, its where he always ate with my grandma when she had to go to the doctors. Now my grandpa is a big guy and watching him barely eat that day was terribly hard. I could barely look at him for I was trying to hold back all my tears with everything I had. From that day on I knew my grandpa’s life wouldn’t be the same. The doctors said they would be able to cure him, the cancer had spread to his fluids. My grandpa has been doing chemo therapy to just slow the cancer down and sadly he has to come to his last treatment. When this terrible news got around to the family we all grieved, especially my dad. My dad was my grandpa’s youngest son, and they are the closest out of all the kids. My dad is just like my grandpa, he’s hard working, tough, and hard of hearing. My dad was always down in the field with my grandpa. My grandpa would rack while my dad bailed hay, and after the boys got done my grandma would have lunch for them after a long day in the fields. Now that my grandpa is sick he won’t be able to do that. In fact the whole family doesn’t know if he will make it to hay season. My dad has to take care of two farms now, and my aunt has to stay at the farm house almost every day to take care of my grandparents since they are both sick. My family has been stressed to the max, we haven’t had any get to gathers in a while when my grandma would have a random family meal once a week. There is a lot of tension now from my grandma being stubborn and my grandpa not being able do very much at all when he used to be able to take care of her himself. My family is in a lot of pain, we never thought this would happen to us and now we can barely talk about the situation without somebody getting frustrated or upset our lives will forever be changed. Now out of all of the grandchildren ji was around my grandparents the most. They supported me in everything that I did. They were always in the front row of all my volleyball games, at my gymnastics meets, and they even watched me cheer for a year after I decided I didn’t like it. I can’t imagine life without my grandparents they are my everything. My grandpa would always tell me about his time in the army. I would get out his old pictures and he would tell me everything, it was like traveling back in time and seeing my grandpa in his prime. I cant imagine not being able to see my grandpa again; when I went and visited him in the hospital with my sister not too long ago I could barely handle it. I had to step out of the room and take deep breaths. My grandpa is supposed to be the rock of the whole family and seeing him as a strand of grass was painful. My life will ever be the same, I think about him every day and pray that he gets better, and so far it hasn’t been working. Now that my grandpa is due for his last treatment of chemo all I can do is pray and hope for the best, hope that he makes it to my cousins wedding, makes it to my dad’s birthday, and makes it to birth of his first Great Grandson. He started this family pretty much and to just have to wait is going to be the most difficult thing that I have ever had to do. I miss him so much and I can’t wait to go home one weekend and hug him. I stop at my grandparents’ house first every time I go home. I swing the back door open and run in and greet them with a big hug. Even though now his life, my family’s life, and my life are forever changed he will still strong on our hearts. Now all we can do is wait, hope, and pray that god doesn’t take the Payne family’s rock away just yet, he has the most loving family and wife. And even though my grandpa doesn’t say much I wish he would say just once that he loves me and that he is proud to call me his grandchild, for I am the youngest and last Payne that will ever walk this earth and dirt road of AC highway or what me and my family call â€Å"Payne Lane†

Thursday, August 29, 2019

Ansoff Matrix Essay

Ansoff Matrix 3 BY arnab007 The Ansoff Matrix Providing strategic options is a role of the marketing plan, but how does the marketing team come up with bright ideas? Fortunately there is a simple tool that can help – the Ansoff Matrix. Developed in 1957 it still holds true today – a 2 x 2 matrix that guides planners in coming up with options. Basically, it gives you four options dependent on two variables – developing new products or entering new markets. New product development and entering new markets involve expense and therefore risk. They also produce risk to your brand – if an undertakers’ firm were to branch out into whoopee cushions their credibility as an undertaker would be scarred! Therefore, the further down or right on the grid you go, the higher the risk. When is a product entirely new or when is it Just an amendment? That is subjective, so Judgement must be used – a car manufacturer producing a new model probably doesn’t count as â€Å"new’ but if that same company were to launch a mission to Mars it may well do†¦ There is no guarantee of success for any plan, as highlighted below: Market Penetration You stay with the same product and keep selling it to the same people. So how do you grow? The answer comes from adjusting the marketing mix – maybe promoting yourself better, making the product better or lowering the price. It is the least risky option, but consequently is likely to reap the least reward. A good example of market penetration is Fuller’s London Pride – once a regional ale in the South East but now the best selling cask ale in the I-JK (CAMRA). They have done this by relying on a high quality product but increasing promotional activity – articularly advertising connected with sports events. On the other side is Rover – they kept selling similar cars to the same market but Just lost touch. The product was well-overtaken and badly promoted, and the results are there for all to see. The moral of the story? Even if you do nothing, make sure you do something! Product Development If you have a well-respected brand with your customers, it may be possible to sell them other things. This is probably the most common option to head in as companies can use the good will they have in the market to generate credibility. As long as the ew product in question isn’t too left-field, customers will like it. uality pens. For many people a Mont Blanc is the pen to have. The trouble is, once you have a fountain pen, ballpoint and a pencil, that is it. Mont Blanc’s quality means you may have the same pen for life, so you will never buy anything from them again. As a result, Mont Blanc decided to start selling you other things: cuff links, wallets, notebooks and so on. The same high quality prestige brand transferred to other products with great success. Possibly the world’s best-known brand got it seriously wrong when they launched a ew product . Coca Cola’s premium bottled water, Dasani, was launched their existing I-JK consumer market, but unfortunately they got it very wrong. Dasani was little more than bottled tap water and the fall-out hit Coca Cola hard. It wasn’t Coke’s first time though after the New Coca Cola debacle nearly ruined them. If you are going to launch a new product, make sure that it reflects your brand and won’t damage what you already have. Market Development Selling the same product to a new market is a tricky proposition, but a number of companies have done it very well. Guinness, Lucozade and Skoda have all managed to salvage weak brands by launching them into a new market. However the most successful repositioning was Sony PlayStation – a repositioning that was pre-planned, not firefighting. Sony had planned to sell PlayStations to children then, once the product life cycle had reached maturity, relaunch in the adult market – enter Lara Croft. Failed repositionings litter the history of marketing but, for me, the most interesting is that of cricket. Some marketing chaps went to America, saw baseball and thought Wow! That will make cricket trendy! Cricket clubs suddenly had silly names like Scorpions (what on Earth have scorpions got to do with Derbyshire anyway) and music was blasted out every time a run was scored. The youth market was not impressed. It was only when the core product was improved that cricket’s popularity returned – thanks be to Freddy Flintoff and co. Diversification So, you know nothing about the mark et you are selling to or about the product you are launching. Sounds like a recipe for disaster†¦ The risks of diversification are otentially grave, but the rewards can be enormous. Caterpillar used to make yellow diggers and bulldozers and sold them to construction companies. Now they sell boots to young adult consumers. Apple used to sell computers to graphic designers. Now they adorn the belt of Just about every 16-24 year old in the country with the iPod. The reward has been easy to see. When diversification goes wrong, you can be left with a feeling of: â€Å"What were they thinking? † Sir Clive Sinclair produced and sold one of the first home entertainment transport. Still, a C5 can be worth a fortune on EBay.

New Trends in Software Process Modeling Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

New Trends in Software Process Modeling - Essay Example The company’s unique identity in the concerned service provider world will be an advantage for the execution of the future implementation (Bendraou & Jà ©zà ©quel, 2010). Apart from IDS, the company has also a reliable record in implementing ERP systems. They have a proven track of implementing SAP-based systems, which make the network infrastructure reliable. Since our company aims at reviving its network infrastructure by implementing the software engineering approach, Raid al Hariri has all the professionals who will consider all the aspects that can be improved in order to increase our productivity. The methodology that has been chosen after careful considerations is Prototyping. The pros and cons of the selected methodology can be better understood if we have an understanding of what prototyping is. The prototyping methodology aims at modeling the system that is required. The prototype model consists of programme modules of the input and output methodology, maintenance of databases, user interface etc. The approach of prototyping gives the designer space and ideas to make the final system in accordance with the needs. The raw model consists of the initial designs. These designs are tested and altered with respect to the results of tests. The prototyping methodology is based on software engineering. Software experts do the programming, mostly in COBOL. Prototyping methodology is one of the most reliable methodologies to attain desired results. This approach may take a while, but the final results are just according to needs. So it is a wise decision to go for a prototyping metho dology in order to avoid any loss in the future after the implementation of the system (Acuà ±a & Sà ¡nchez-Segura, 2006). These are the major problems, which can be solved after the implementation of this methodology.

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

How to reform the United Nations security council Essay

How to reform the United Nations security council - Essay Example One may wonder how solutions to could solutions to peace be reformed? The â€Å"efforts† in the form of resolutions presented by the United Nations Security Council holds the terms of peace. The resolution system set in place in accordance to all parties present to reach peace is a good start. The follow up on the resolution is where reform could be used. A resolution that is not followed is only reacted to by another resolution. The reaction to such a resolution was formulated on March 27, 2011 (Resolution 1973) in regards to the Libyan Government’s failure to follow the original (Resolution 1970) formulated on February 26, 2011(Evans) The United Nations Security Council is known for peace not punishment and unfortunately rebel groups only respond to punishment. The resolutions should incorporate strict â€Å"if not followed consequences† to the parties involved. The healthy fear of the United Nations Security Council needs to be implemented, just as the healthy fear of a loving parent. A parent who corrects a child with no follow through with discipline the child will not only continue but have no regard for the parent. Works Cited Evans, Gareth. â€Å"The U.N. Security Council Mandate does not call for Gadhafi’s head.† A complete repository of news articles on Pakistan, 27 March 2011.

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Nuclear generators Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Nuclear generators - Term Paper Example The steam is then used to power the turbines that generate power. In nuclear generators, the fuel comes from nuclear fission, which is essentially the breakdown of the nucleus of a heavy atom into two smaller and lighter nuclei. The primary fuel in nuclear generators is uranium, either enriched, in its natural state, or in combination with plutonium. ... This is true for so-called reactors that are based on light-water designs, and the table below details the different types of decay, emitted radiation, and the associated charge, mass and energy (National Academy of Sciences): Table Source: National Academy of Sciences Decay Process Radiation Emitted Mass (amu) Electrical Charge Typical Energy (MeV) Alpha Emission Alpha particle (?) 4 +2 4–9 Beta Emission Beta particle () 0.0005 ?1 0–3 Positron Emission Positron (?+) 0.0005 +1 0–3 Â   Two gamma-rays (?) 0 0 0.51 Electron Capture Characteristic x-ray 0 0 0–0.1 Internal Transition Gamma-ray (?) 0 0 0.1–3 Internal Conversion Converted electron (e?) 0.0005 ?1 0.1–1 Â   Characteristic x-ray 0 0 0.0–1 Neutron Emission Neutron (n) 1 0 0–14 Spontaneous Fission (e.g., Cf-252) Fission products and other radiations — — ?200 Table Source: National Academy of Sciences As earlier discussed, power is generated in nuclear power generators/reactors largely through fission, and largely through the use of two types of radioactive fuels, namely uranium and plutonium, either alone or in combination. The plot below provides what are called yield curves for two fuel types, uranium-235 and plutonium 239, as a function of the mass number (National Academy of Sciences; World Nuclear Association; Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory): Graph Source: National Academy of Sciences/CPSMA Fission yields are related to the amount of the element that is generated for every fission reaction that occurs. The yield curve that is generated is basically the same for every kind of known fission reaction, and so the plot above is universalizable and replicable,

Monday, August 26, 2019

Industrial Revolution Capitalism and Communism Essay

Industrial Revolution Capitalism and Communism - Essay Example Subsequently, this labor force could not be made to fit itself inside the dimensions of medieval economy that used to be fully controlled by the monarchs, businessmen, and noblemen. Hence, labor organization against the medieval structure of laissez faire led to significant change in industrial and economic relations influencing the society as a whole (Goloboy, 2006). In examining that how the workers’ lives were altered by industrialization, we must say that the workers had to acquire newer skill sets, work for longer, and function production oriented without rest and entertainment. Factory owners chose to exploit them and society changed rapidly. Workers were now underpaid, they lived in factory system, and state became a managing committee of the business owners (Carlton, 1920). Second, mechanization of production processes the number of people working in the factories. The lifestyle in agrarian economy was drastically different from that in the industrial economy. This led to extensive urban development since changes in lifestyle increased ambition and consumption of the masses. After initial hurdles, urban development led to social mixing, abolition of obsolete traditions, and innovation of shorter and simpler social customs, rituals, formalities, etc. But the economic differences between the owners and the workers began to become steeper along with these developments. Owners continued to become richer and workers continued to become poorer. During and after industrial revolution, a new class of businessmen emerged who have enough capital, which they could use to build factories and experiment with different methods production engineering and fund research. This weakened the economic control of monarchs, although no significant political change took place. Hence, a powerful business class – the capitalists emerged, who established the system of capitalism (Goloboy, 2006). Relationship between the working class and the owners was

Sunday, August 25, 2019

History Early Christians Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3500 words

History Early Christians - Essay Example Agnes shows the image of Mary placed between St. Peter and St. Paul with her arms extended towards the two saints. The increased interest in the Virgin Mary that was evident during the catacombs came about as a result of a new doctrine by the Church Fathers who represented the Virgin Mary as the â€Å"New Eve†. The church fathers taught that just in the same way that Eve had played an important role in bringing the downfall of Adam, the Virgin Mary as the New Eve had played an important role in the redemptive ministry of Jesus who was seen as the new Adam. According to this teaching, both Eve and Mary had played secondary but significant roles in the lives of Adam and Jesus2. Ideally, this understanding was not popular in the Apostolic church and hence the reason why there was little art depicting the Virgin Mary in the earlier period. Although Mary had been recognized in earlier literature within the church, the assumption by the Church Fathers that she participated in the work of Salvation with Jesus Christ had given her new status within the church. By the 3rd century, most people within the church had accepted the Virgin Mary under the title â€Å"Mother of God† even though this title had not been solemnized until two centuries later. Under this new status, praying directly to Mary was no longer seen as idolatry but rather as a spiritual communication with God3. By the time the Council of Ephesus was convened in 431 A.D., where the Virgin Mary was officially christened as the â€Å"Mother of God† there were numerous cathedrals that had been dedicated to her name in most parts of Rome and Jerusalem and this was also the time within which art was also developing. After the Council of Ephesus, the went through a flourishing period of dedication to the Blessed Virgin in most parts of the East and the West and the quantity of this dedication was mostly brought out through art. This devotion

Saturday, August 24, 2019

E-commerce and M-commerce Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

E-commerce and M-commerce - Essay Example If E-commerce and M-commerce matters for development, it is not because the are the fancier or more convenient ways of doing shopping: but they allows allow enterprises to operate efficiently with their trading partners including their production sites, vendors and point of sales. For an Internet user to become an e-commerce customer, a much higher frequency of access is necessary in order to acquire the familiarity with the e-business transactions and payment systems. This is more required for the B2B traders, where the order of magnitude of their exposure to Internet etiquette must be more than a normal user. Contradicting the above general assumption, a survey conducted by IDC in 2002 there is a gap found between the Internet users and e-commerce revenue in the developing and developed countries. This shows that the usage of Internet does not directly imply the e-business attitude. Where as, the M-Commerce does not necessarily require more adequacy of such involvement with the mobile devise or operating the m-commerce applications. The reason behind this could be attributed to the low involvement and less choice of options for the customer to choose between while buying something through mobile phone. In other terms, mobile commerce involves a quick decision for buying, by simply replying to the message alert for the sale offer or saying yes to the chosen option. The prevalence of E-commerce has led people to research and form the strategically options to push the sales through Internet in the recent years. Some researches stated that lower per capita incomes, low credit card usage, lack of relevant Products and service to buy in near places, and lack of logistics and fulfillments are the factors influencing the buying behaviors of the users on E-commerce. Though these should be the same factors influencing the buying behavior of the M-Commerce also, rather than clear evidence of that, one could perceive some thing else alarming that the above for the influence of M-Commerce buying patterns. E-commerce trading is more seen between B2B or Business to Government types of transactions than Business to Consumer. This adoption could be linked with their capacity to integrate themselves into regional and global supply chains. At the enterprise level, this requires being able to meet technological and organizational challenges. At the country level, the digital and the physical layers of the national economies have to be connected in congruence. Thus E-commerce opens more trading between different foreign countries. Where as M-commerce, due to the localized service operators, has the limitation of global restriction with the service options limited within the geographical regions. Beyond technological limitations, the logistics and Policy regulations are also the other factors for this shortage. May be the still future of M-commerce could resolve such type of hindrances in a very short future depending on the nature of service expansions. While looking at the scenario of operations, E-commerce offers a more popular way of shopping than the other, through PC, laptops and palm tops. The purchasers of the Internet

Friday, August 23, 2019

How employees react when facing organization change and what HR Literature review

How employees react when facing organization change and what HR manager should do - Literature review Example None of the mini computer companies could succeed in the business of personal computers Business schools and medical colleges are finding a hard tome to transform their curriculum according to the types of doctors and managers that are in demand in the market (Christensen & Overdorf, 2000, p.67). There are numerous other examples displaying the same challenge. It is seen that change efforts fail primarily because employers fail to handle the resistance towards change from employees. Managing change successfully means managing the fear of people. However, the peoples’ reactions to change efforts remain irrational and unsuccessful. Resistance towards the change originates from the fear of the unknown and apprehensions about a loss. HR managers play the crucial role of managing the reaction or response of employees towards the change process. The apparent reason to peoples’ fears is the way they perceive the change process, while the back end reaction to the change process is the extent to which they are equipped to deal with the change process. ... The project brings forth numerous critical reviews and suggestions of researchers and practitioners on the subject and delivers a critical analysis. It also puts forth their views regarding how changes can be managed effectively through effective people management procedures (Adair, 2007, p.124). Literature Review- How employees react when facing organization change and what HR manager should do Employee Resistance to Change- Critical Analysis The research begins with analysis of the greatest challenges of managing change initiatives in the organization. Managing organizational change is a difficult process as the conditions under which it is undertaken at the initial stage keeps changing. As situations keep shifting it becomes increasingly difficult for the top managers and agents to prepare for manage the change process in a way which satisfied both employers and employees. It is not surprising to understand that change resistance has attracted immense attention from practitioners and researchers. Immense attention has gone into the understanding of determinants and sources of change resistance. The general public and the media have gone into various forms of active resistances such as protests and strikes. Some of the other forms of organizational resistances are passive resistance, which is comparatively less observable, but has immensely attracted the concern of employers in organizations. Unsurprisingly, resistance towards change initiatives account for being one of the most crucial sources of organizational change failures (Conger & Kanungo, 1998, p.8). Meyer, (1982) and Nadler, (1998) have defined the concept of organizational change as the effort or the series of efforts which is designed in a manner to bring about change or transformation in

Thursday, August 22, 2019

Historical Modern Connections Essay Example for Free

Historical Modern Connections Essay Nature has always been looked at as an inspiration since beginning of time by all great artists and designers. Even in the current culture/era they have always looked back to historical arts and architectures for inspiration where they adapt, model, recycle and swipe arts. An Illustrated History of the Great Paris Designers and their Creations, New York 1972 Christian Dior He was a very influential fashion designer whom all designers respect and emulate. In 1930s after World War II fashion designer Dior concentrate on women fashions, with soft shoulders, wasp waists and flowing skirts which was appropriate for the post war era. The whole design idea came from his mother which was worn in 1900s. This design suited also the political agenda. He had private presentations until his market grew bigger for the â€Å"New look† designs he had designed (Kawamura 2004, 89). In 1948 Dior opened a ready to wear boutique, launched new perfumes, prior to the Bar Suits he had made in 1947. In 1949 he opened his Couture House managed by Civil Servant Jacques Rouet. In 1954 he unveiled new direction the French Bean line or Flat look, the New look Silhouette and Seamstress. Later in the year 1953 he discovered the Haule Couture autumn/winter, and in the year 1955-56 the Y Line dress, autumn/winter. (Kawamura 2004, 112) From the life and designs of Christian Dior we discover many of fashion designers nowadays are inspired by his life activities in design of great influence in the society. Alexander McQueen 1969  He had a delighted fashion and design audience with raw presentation depicting history and anarchic politics. He’s best known for his challenging and commendable designs which have solidified his status. In 1995 he designed autumn/winter catwalks-Highland Rape. In the year 1997 he designed autumn/winter lapoupee combines, aggressive tailoring and lyrical romantiom. He also designed men’s wear brand founded in the 19th Century and Military outfits (Quinn 2002, 132) He has always collaborated with others to make his designs best outfits. Application  From the two comparable designers Alexander McQueen and Christian Dior we find that art and design has always played a roll in the development of the human race. This is not only in small areas of our lives but in each and every aspect. For instance, spring/summer 2007 Christian Dior Kimono, non-western is inspired from the early 1800s through 1970s way back in the; Edo period 1603 to 1868, Meiji period 1868 to 1912, Taisho period 1912 to 1926, Shonwa period 1926 to 1989 which are currently sold in other names in the fashion industry (Kawamura 2004, 118)  Since the World War II. There have been great innovations in the fashion designs industry due to great creativity. Most of the fashion designs in the current market revolve around historical designs and changes made are to suit the changing lifestyles in our environment. Conclusion We all accept that from the times of Christian Dior, due to adaptability fashion designs has always become versatile and enlightening, hence history has always affected our present culture, and is more appealing. In fashion and design it’s an expression of life.

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Bernie Madoff Essay Example for Free

Bernie Madoff Essay The things I will be talking about are the ways they examined the financial events surrounding Bernie Maddoff, and the events surrounding Enron. Also they way that Enron dealt with the consequences and implications for the lack of code of ethics. The financial events that were surrounding Bernie Maddoff where that â€Å" the financial world begins this week still in a daze over the spectacular collapse of an alleged Ponzi scheme by onetime Wall Street legend Bernard Madoff — possibly the biggest swindle ever committed by a single person. Its a stunning fraud that appears to be of epic proportions, Andrew Calamari of the Securities and Exchange Commissions New York Regional Office said in a statement after the FBI arrested Madoff last week. Its unclear how many institutions and individuals will suffer from losses that federal authorities say Madoff privately pegged at $50 billion. † The reason that he had easy assess to all of this was because he knew the system from being the chairman of Nasdaq from 1990-1991 and 1993. Another one was the â€Å"officials allege that Madoff falsified reports from a secretive money management service that he owned — run separately from his main stock transaction firm — to make it appear to be more successful than it was. Madoff allegedly kept it going by taking cash from unwitting new investors to pay customers who wanted to redeem their holdings. In a January SEC filing, Madoff said he managed $17. 1 billion in assets for 23 clients. But potential victims could number in the hundreds and possibly thousands and include major banks, hedge funds, charities and pension funds. Responding to an SEC lawsuit, on Friday, U. S. District Judge Louis Stanton in New York froze the assets and accounts of Madoffs investment business and appointed Lee Richards, an attorney at Richards Kibbe Orbe, as receiver. Madoffs lawyers have denied the charges but did not return calls for comment. Madoff was released after posting $10 million in bail. He faces up to $5 million in fines and up to 20 years in jail if convicted. The SEC and U. S. Attorneys office say their investigation is continuing and declined to comment. † Madoff got himself in trouble by using money he did not have to pay off customers from all the new invertors. Then after a while New York realized what he was doing so they arrested him for what he was doing because it was not ethical at all.

Describe what leadership is and all the relevant leadership styles

Describe what leadership is and all the relevant leadership styles There are various definitions and concepts by a variety of people it comes to defining leadership. According to G a Cole leadership is a dynamic process in a group whereby one individual influences the others contribute voluntarily to the achievement of group tasks in a given situation. Leadership engages other people, for example subordinates. The role of the leader is to direct subordinates towards set goals or aims and objectives of the group or the business. Subordinates help define a leaders status by how much there are willing to listen and accept direction from the leader. Weak leaders tend to have no respect from group members and find it hard if not impossible to direct them. Leadership involves an unequal division of power between the people or person in charge and group members. This allows order and coordination within a group or organisation if there is one clear leader, employees will know who to refer to for confirmation on decisions or when problems arise. It should be noted however that some employees are note entirely powerless; they do contribute and shape activities in the group in various ways. If a group is to be highly effective and successful every member needs to contribute and play a part form start to finish, but more power usually concentrated in the hands of the leader. Different leaders have different forms of power; reward, coercive, legitimate, referent and expert power. Reward power is formed on the leader having the skill to reward group members for getting instructions done and achieving set goals. Employees are more likely to work harder if they know their efforts will be recognised and rewarded. Rewards could include promotion, pay rise or a bonus. Reward power is highly used in the workforce as a form of disciplining and motivating employees. Coercive power is formed on the leaders capability to make subordinates accountable for not achieving objectives or getting their job done on time. Through coercive power subordinates are aware that failure to meet job requirements might lead to tell off or job loss. Legitimate power is a form of formal authority, it usually comes with the job. Under legitimate power employees recognize the fact that the leader has the authority to exercise influence over them. In many cases employees are obliged to accept this power and failure to concur will mostly result in them being reprimanded or made redundant. Expert power is formed on the principle that the leader has the significant skills and expertise that other members in the group do not. Subordinates are more likely to respect, accept and acknowledge the leaders authority and leadership if they are know he/she is more experienced that there are in that field. Referent power comes from the other group members desire to be like their leader. This type of leadership usually links with charismatic and pragmatic leaders. James A F Stoner notes that possession of some or all of [the above powers] does not guarantee the ability to influence particular individuals in specific ways. A leader may have subordinates approbation as a specialist but still fails to motivate or make them more corporative in the workforce. A good leader must have the capacity and skills to draw upon and use the various forms of power to be able to influence employees. Good leaders must possess the power of influence if employees are to do the work that is required of them, on schedule and in some cases on budget. As a individual a leader must be able to look ahead, identify how to get ahead and guide colleagues ahead. For a leader to be successful according to Tim Hannagan he/she must share common goals with those around or have the skills to steer group members towards their way of thinking. Employees must intern momentarily give up their own views in favour of the leaders and the rest of the group, listening to other group members and compromising. Although employees go about different ways in achieving company objectives à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦they accede to the preferences of the leader in exchange for the rewards they expect to receive as a result. Tim Hannagan 2005. Effective leaders motivate their employees by convincing them that the aims set for them is the best way to get the job done and will provide a better result. Happy employees work hard and are more likely to achieve the common objectives of the business or group. Leaders are in charge of employees under them therefore responsible for them and their actions in the workforce there are held accountable for the success and failure of their team. The accountability makes it comparative that the leader makes the best decisions, manages the team and communicates effectively with employees in such a way that action is taken and unneeded costly mistakes that could cost the leader, team members or the organisation avoided. Leadership involves avoiding obstacles and if they should arise overcoming them in the most cost effective way possible. The business environment as shown by the unexpected financial crisis is very unpredictable, so leaders need to be pragmatic and innovative if there are to survive and stay on top is an economic, technological and social environment that forever changing. The 21st century static business environment is rapidly changing and leaders need to evolve with the times if there are to retain employees and be successful. According to Hannagan leadership can be seen as performing the influencing function of management largely involved with establishing gaols and motivating people to help achieve them. In management there are various leadership styles and different leaders fall under different styles. Good leaders tend to use a style of leadership in response to the workforce or situation concerned to achieve the best result possible. There are old and modern styles of leadership, including; Transactional, Transformational, Participative and Situational Leadership. 1.Situational Leadership Situational leadership is approach to determining the most effective style of influencing, considering the direction and support a leader gives, and the readiness of followers to perform particular tasks. David Buchanan, 2004. Situational leaders should be able to change their leadership style in response to the teams developing or changing behaviour, for example experience or willingness to accept responsibility. Blanchard and Heresy (1982) believe the maturity of the employee determine the leadership style of the leader, they believe that employer and employee relationship move through four stage. As employees become more experienced and skilled, the employer will need to change his style of leadership to motivate and take advantage of employees new found skills to make the team more effective, The Situational Model of Leadership SOURCE : OBNotes.HTM by WILF H. RATZBURG D1: LOW COMPETENCE HIGH COMMITMENT D2: SOME COMPETENCE LOW COMMITMENT D3: HIGH COMPETENCE VARIABLE COMMITMENT D4: HIGH COMPETENCE HIGH COMMITMENT As the diagram above shows the situational model of leadership has four stages : Phase 1 Directing . New subordinates are instructed in their tasks and the corporations procedures and rules. In the initial phase employees are given a lot of tasks by the leader. Subordinates are trained in their tasks as they are being familiarised to the organisation. They are told what to do, when and how to do given tasks. this is arguably a good and effective way to introduce new employees as a non directive [leader] would cause anxiety and confusion in new.. employees whilst a participatory, high relationship behaviour approach would à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦be inappropriate at this stage because the [employee] requires structure. James A.F Stoner, 1995. Phase 2 Coaching. In phase two there is more relationship behaviour than in stage one as subordinates become more accustomed to their job and the business. In this stage the participatory leadership style can be adopted as employees are considered to want more responsibility. Employees are more likely to seek more responsibility as they have become accustomed to the environment including how their leader wants tasks handled and completed. Task behaviour however remains necessary as employees still need structure to complete their work. The leaders trust and support for subordinates will increase at this stage as the leader becomes familiar with the team and wishes to encourage their efforts further. Phase 3 Participating. At this stage subordinates are more skilled and achievement motivation becomes mote noticeable which will lead to subordinates seeking more responsibility. As the employees become more experienced the leader will no longer need to strictly direct employees, in most cases skilled employees dislike autocratic leaders as they feel there are experienced enough to carry out certain task without strict supervision. There is a lot of interaction and support but little direction and task behaviour. The leader should however continually motivate employees by being supportive and considerate, if he/she is to bring out the best of employees. Phase 4 Delegating. High levels of delegation from the leader as employees are more confident, experienced and self-directing. Kenneth and Heresy feel that at this stage an employee no longer expect direction from their leader. There is less task or relationship behaviour. Under this leadership style leaders should constantly assess employee experience, motivation and ability to decide on which style is appropriate under changing conditions. If the leader chooses the most effective style there should be able to develop subordinates professionally and at the same time motivating them. The ability to be able to shift leadership styles is arguably a skill any good leader should possess as leaders are faced with different evolving situations on a daily bases. Leaders who are trained to flexibly use various leadership styles when faced with changing situations use the situational leadership style effectively as they know when to adapt or change to a different style. Leaders who are not trained to be flexible are likely to be more effective in situations that match their style of leadership. Failure to adapt will cause the leaders team to lack direction and to be less effective than if they had a flexible leader. 2. Participative leadership Participative leaders have total trust and confidence in employees. Leaders will always ask employees for ideas and opinions and then constructively use the ideas to further the groups or the organisations success. There is a lot of communication between the leader and employees and employees will be rewarded for their participation in the group. Being involved in the process of decision making help motivate and make employees more committed to their job and the business. When faced with unexpected problems employees are more willing to help as they no their input will be taken into account. Involving a group of people in the decision making ensures a better outcome, as suggestions are thoroughly analysed before the final decision is reached. Group decision making also unites employees as the social commitment amongst the group members is greater. Employees are more likely to corporate and come up with new ideas if they feel comfortable with the people around them. Leaders who adopt this style of leadership when operating usually have the greatest success as leaders. Businesses that use the participative style of leadership could be said to be the most successful in setting goals and achieving them and are also usually more productive. The success is due to the degree of participation and the maintenance of employee support for one another and from the leader. Participative leaders can improve the businesses effectiveness by using the skills, experience and knowledge of the workforce. Employees who feel and are involved setting business standards are more likely to feel ownership for the decisions made and tend to: Accept the legitimacy of decisions reached with their help; Accept change based on those decisions; Trust managers who ultimately ratify and implement decisions; Volunteer new and creative ideas and solutions. [David Buchanan 2004] It should be noted that it is the leaders choice to give or deny control to surbodinat6es under his control. Although an organisation might require their its leaders to use this type of leadership style, a manager might chose not to use it as effectively as they possibly can as they might feel involving subordinates in decision making might threaten their job position. The level of employee participation also depends on the sort of decision being made. Subordinates are usually involved when deciding on how to put goals into action, whereas employee evaluation on those decisions is done by the leader. Participative leadership is highly democratic and empowers employees. 3. Transactional leadership A transactional leader is à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦a leader who treats relationships with [employees] in terms of an exchange, giving [employees] what they want in return for what the leader desires, following prescribed tasks to pursue established goals. Transactional leaders perceive their association with employees in terms of bargains; they believe that employees are motivated by reward and punishment and not their willingness to work. Transactional leaders aim to create clear structures, where employees know exactly what they are expected to do. These type of leaders believe that social system are more effective with a clear chain of command, when employee are expected to yield all authority to their leader. Leaders who use this leadership style decide what subordinates need to do to attain their own and the corporations aims and objectives and help subordinates become confident in believing they can achieve the set aims and objectives through hard work, but employees are expected to do what they are told by the leader in all cases. Failure to comply with leaders instructions will lead to formal discipline which might result in job loss. As soon as a potential employee becomes an employee it becomes transparent the leader is in charge and in control. Employees who are successful under transactional leaders are usually the ones that follow orders Transactional leaders deem employees to be completely responsible for their work despite their skills, experience or resources. Subordinates are expected to take full responsibility for their work, success will be recognised and rewarded while failure is seen to be personally the subordinates fault despite internal or external influences that might have contributed to objectives not being met. Leader who use this type of leadership style believe that employees require little attention if they are meeting expectations or operating as expected. There is a variety of leaders that use this type of leadership. The leadership style might be effective with employees who are used to an autocratic leadership style and who work well under strictly structured conditions. The success of the leader is assured when the leadership style aligns with the work environment. Employees who are highly skilled and experienced are likely to despise and be unhappy under this type of leadership if it is constantly being used by the manager as they might feel they have more to offer to the business and will therefore despise being constantly told how to their job. Unhappy workers are unlikely to perform to the best of their ability and find a new job else where. .

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Luis XIV, and His Selfish Ways :: European History Essays

Luis XIV, and His Selfish Ways If you were asked to answer the question, â€Å"Which king in European history was the best representative of absolutism?†, you would probably answer, â€Å"Louis XIV.† If you were asked to identify the king with the biggest palace and the most glamorous court, you would answer â€Å"Louis XIV.† If you were asked to identify the king whose reign coincided with the most glorious period of culture in his country's history, you would answer â€Å"Louis XIV.† If you were asked to identify what king fought an endless series of wars, heavily taxed his population, set up the pre-conditions for a revolution against his own system and was jeered by his people as his body was taken to be buried, then you would answer â€Å"Louis XIV.† Louis XIV was a great builder; he built many palaces and residences in France. His greatest remaining monument is Versailles, which was simultaneously a triumph and a disaster in the eyes of France. Louis XIV continued the policy of centralizing French government that Henry IV, Richelieu, and Mazarin started before he became King. Louis XIV also was blessed by having a number of very able advisors. Among the most brilliant was a man by the name of Colbert. Colbert was in charge of economic policies and under his direction the French economy expanded greatly. Louis XIV considered the Protestants, also known as the Huguenots, to be a nuisance, if not a threat to his rule. The Huguenots tended to be more urban, wealthier and better educated than the typical citizen of France. Louis had little understanding of the theological tenants of Protestantism. Some people think that Louis XIV was very important for the future prestige and importance of France. Louis XIV developed diverse manufacturing capabilities, more roads, more ports, more canals, an expanded navy and merchant marine, and all these gave France the potential for greater prosperity. This was looked upon highly by some people, but others were more impressed by the king’s building skills. His greatest remaining monument is Versailles. Versailles was used for residential and government purposes, but it also drew a lot of attention because of its beauty. The palace was filled with a glamorous court.

Monday, August 19, 2019

Summary of The Lesson by Toni Cade Bambara Essay -- Toni Cade Bambara

The Lesson by Toni Cade Bambara The Lesson, by Toni Cade Bambara, portrays a group of children living in the slums of New York City around 1972. They seem to be content living in poverty in some very unsanitary conditions. One character, Miss Moore, the children’s self appointed mentor, takes it upon herself to further their education during the summer months. She feels this is her civic duty because she is educated. She used F.A.O. Schwarz, a very expensive toystore, to teach them a lesson and inspire them to strive for success and attempt to better themselves and their situations. At the beginning of the story, the author gives us the feeling that a child is narrating this story. She also shows that the child, Sylvia, is at that age where she feels that adults are silly and she knows everything. â€Å"Back in the days when everyone was old and stupid or young and foolish and me and Sugar were the only ones just right, this lady moved on our block with nappy hair and proper speech and no makeup.† (Bambara 470) Sylvia also tells us about her environment while referencing Miss Moore. â€Å"And we kidna hated her too, hated the way we did the winos who cluttered up our parks and pissed on our handball walls and stank up our hallways and stairs so you couldn’t halfway play hide-and-seek without a damn gas mask. Miss Moore was her name. The only woman on the block without a first name.† (Bambara 470) This is our introduction to Miss Moore. She is an educated, well groomed person and the children resent her because she is different and their parents force them to spend time with her in the interest of education. On the day the story takes place, Miss Moore has rounded up the neighborhood kids and is going to bring them to F.A... ...t. â€Å"We all start reciting the pricetag like we’re in assembly. â€Å"Handcrafted sailboat made of fiberglass at one thousand one hundred ninety-five dollars.† â€Å"Unbelieveable, â€Å" I hear myself say and am really stunned.† (Bambara 472) The prices of the previous two items stunned the children, but the sailboat really brought home the idea. At the end of the story is when Miss Moore’s motive was revealed. She did not want to bring the kids on a field trip. She was interested in giving them a drive to succeed by showing them that some people are very successful and can afford such things. She hopes that they will want to be one of those people instead of a person that, like so many others, are just content with what they have. Works Cited Roberts, Edgar V., Jacobs, Henry E. â€Å"Literature.† The Lesson. 470-475. Toni Cade Bambara. New Jersey: Prentice-Hall. 2001

Sunday, August 18, 2019

Investing Online Essay -- GCSE Business Marketing Coursework

Investing Online Personal Investing with Computer Technology Introduction Computer technology has revolutionized the way people can invest their money. Online trading has become the newest fad for people trying to get more bang for their buck. Virtually anyone with access to the Internet can set up an online brokerage account. With just a click of the mouse people can buy and sell stocks. This advanced computer technology for personal investing has its pros and cons. It has made it much easier for the average person to take care of his/her finances in an inexpensive manner. It has alos made it easier for people to become addicted to trading, which can become an expensive habit. Trading Stocks Inexpensively Online trading is easy and inexpensive. In comparison with traditional brokers, Internet brokers charge flat rates for transactions. The traditional full service broker usually charges the investor fees depending on how much stock they buy or sell, not to mention the commission they charge for handling the investors portfolio. Small-time investors with the know how of managing their own finaces have found online trading to be very beneficial. They now have found ways to buy individual stocks at a cheap price without paying all the fees asociated with the full service broker. These investors can go into numerous web sites to get information on any particular stock they are interested in. Many of these web sites are designed for the invstor ju...

Saturday, August 17, 2019

Learning Community Essay

Nowadays the popularity of online learning is swiftly increasing and more students prefer distance learning to traditional as it offers certain benefits. Walden University offers students opportunities to receive highly-qualified education and to save time on other important things as job, families, etc. What is Walden University? Walden University is an accredited institution which provides engaging learning experience both for professionals and non-professionals. The mission of the University learning community is to attract extraordinary students and to make positive social impact. Learning Community is represented by diverse and vibrant faculty and dedicated students. Faculty members are able to enrich online learning community offering wide range of experiential and educational backgrounds. All members are gifted mentors and highly-talented teachers who are fully committed to University’s core values and mission – to provide educational accesses, social change and professional excellence. Moreover, members of learning community teach the values of integrity and quality. Students of learning community are mid-career professionals who are willing to gain professional achievement and to remain dedicated to lifelong learning. All students are allowed to exchange their ideas and to share diverse perspectives with other faculty members, as well as with fellow students nationwide. It becomes apparent that relationships within community are professional and, at the same time, friendly-oriented. Further, faculty and staff at Walden University will help to balance education with professional and personal commitments. Essential resources are available for mastering skills: Writing Center, world-class library, tutoring, etc. Scholar-practitioners develop all degree programs and they continually visit courses to make sure they possess all modern updates relevant to profession chosen. Learning community offers also international perspective. Every student becomes a member of international community with more than 270,000 members online. More than 50 campuses are in 16 countries. Every student may enter the Laureate International Network and to be provided with excellent opportunity to expand international viewpoint and to apply obtained knowledge to professional life. The most important moment to admit is that Walden University learning community strongly believes that knowledge is the most valuable as it is the most effective way work for greater good. In other words, Walden University calls for social changes. Students and faculty members are willing to improve social and human conditions. They create ideas how to promote individual development, as well as development of organizations, communities and society as a whole. The goal of learning community is to help students to become scholar-practitioners and to conduct scholarly researches in the chosen field. The mission is to provide diverse learning community with friendly-oriented relations and with the opportunity to become scholar-practitioners. It is necessary to underline that learning community of Walden University has influenced both my professional life and the life of the whole society as Walden University promotes the values of knowledge, integrity, quality, honesty and fairness which are the most important in contemporary world. I can apply knowledge not only to critical societal challenges, but also to advance the greater good and social relations. I really appreciate the Walden University offers entirely online courses as it offers certain benefits for me. To be a member of society means being concerned with everyday human relations, emotions and interpersonal skills and Walden learning community gives such a chance. Financial benefits of online courses are ability to save money spent on housing, transportation and food and ability to keep part-time as well as full-time job at the same time. Walden University gives and excellent opportunity to be involved into interactive teamwork between students’ groups i. e. ability to correspond with other students from different parts of the world. Walden University offers modern way of learning which gives an opportunity to master skills and to save time on family, friends and job. References Online Degree: About Walden University. Retrieved June 10, 2008, from http://info. waldenu. edu/aboutwalden. php Walden University: Official Website. Retrieved June 10, 2008, from http://www. waldenu. edu/ Walden University: Online Degree Programs. Retrieved June 10, 2008, from http://www. worldwidelearn. com/waldenu/index. php

Friday, August 16, 2019

Humanist and Normative Approach

Soft HRM follows the harvard model – considers human capital as assets rather than resources. Hard HRM follows the michigen model – enforces the interests of the organisation rather than the progress of individuals. Humanist Approach – SOFT HRM (Harvard)  · Philosophy: A fair day’s work for a fair day’s pay. Organisational behaviour and the focus on corporate social responsibility. Companies see themselves as ethically conducted.  · Business objective: Increase productivity and profitability. Quality is secondary. They look to achieve optimum results Quality objective: Adequate quality to remain in business. Staff driven quality improvement approaches  · Information sharing: Limited information sharing as needed for job execution.  · Major decision makers: Manager, shareholders, customers, employees  · Employee involvement: Programme suggestions , plans individual employee awards, no formal system.  · Education and training: On the job t raining, feedback on the job performance – Results orientated, they measure results and evaluate them. Tend to look at the return on investment – hard to prove. g if in 2012 a company sells 600 products and in 2013 after training and development of staff this number increases to 1200, can we prove that this is in fact return on investment and due to the training.  · Reward structure: Design and administered by management  · Job security: Labour consider as a variable cost. Lay-off common during business downturn  · Use of symbols eg apple, Mcdonalds and Legal & General (Umbrella)  · Focus on personalities and attitudes- behavioural based. Encourages self assessment through appraisals. rawing up your own development plan and managers helping employees to achieve these or to make progress rather than managing people out when they are not meeting objectives. Source: http://www. shvoong. com/business-management/human-resources/1861903-comparison-traditional-human-r esource-approach/#ixzz2ONUzQ2fR Normative Approach – HARD HRM (Michigan) â€Å"The normative perspective of human resource management bases itself on the concepts of â€Å"hard HRM† and â€Å"soft HRM,† on which the foundations of human resource management rest. † [http://www. brighthubpm. om/resource-management/76151-exploring-different-perspectives-of-hr-management/]  · Concentration on strategic planning with vertical and horizontol integration of policy.  · Organisational culture with a key objective of retaining competitive advantage.  · ensuring all of the policies and procedures are current  · innovation  · Administration is become a lot more innovative – adapting/changing to current times. A lot of admin is now online using systems such as ADPs HR. Net – holiday etc is now requested and approved online rather than using a paper system. Employee benefit and reward often takes the form of welfare systems for example gym membe rships and paid sick leave  · Tend to have industrial relations eg trade unions and workforce representatives. Humanist approach tends to have more concern regarding employees progress, employee engagement and training/development of employees that may not necessarily directly improve the organisations output/productivity. Whereas a normative approach is more aligned with business strategy and integration of policy.

Specific Performance

Specific Performance MT311 Business Law Part I There are four situations we have to review in terms of specific performance and possible breach of contract. First we must understand the elements of specific performance then we can evaluate how they relate to each scenario. â€Å"In some situations, damages are an inadequate remedy for a breach of contract†¦equitable remedies include rescission and restitution, specific performance, and reformation† (Miller & Jentz, 2009). Specific performance is an equitable remedy that requests the promised act be performed per the contract. This is not to be confused with any monetary exchange, rather that the contract be fulfilled as agreed upon originally. Sometimes the performance is of more value than monetary damages, which is why the specific performance remedy appealing for certain types of situations. â€Å"Normally, however, specific performance will not be granted unless the party’s legal remedy (monetary damages) is inadequate† (Miller & Jentz, 2008). A good example of this clause is in regards to unique or rare items that cannot just be bought on the open market. This is where monetary damages would not be a factor. The advantages of specific performance are that the non-breaching party is spared the hassle of collecting judgment, they do not need to set up another contract, and the performance may be of more value than monetary damages. The first scenario states: Tarrington contracts to sell her house and lot to Rainier. Then, on finding another buyer willing to pay a higher purchase price, she refused to deed the property to Rainier. The specifics of this case are unknown; however, based solely on the information provided I believe Rainier is entitled to specific performance as long as the property has not yet been sold. One element of real estate specific performance is that the contract must be fulfilled, unless the land is unavailable because it was sold to someone else. In that scenario damages will be awarded instead. The courts would rather uphold specific performance in relation to the sale of land because every piece of land is unique, and monetary damages will not compensate the buyer adequately. We could argue this dependent on the specifics of the case. In the case of Stainbrook v. Low the court upheld specific performance based on the reasoning that â€Å"a party seeking specific performance of a real estate contract must prove that he has substantially performed his contract obligations or offered to do so† (Miller & Jentz, 2008). Based on this case decision we must assume that Rainier followed through with his part of the contract in terms of financing and inspections. If the courts find that he did not fulfill his obligations or at least offer to follow through they could overturn the case and Rainer will not get the property or any monetary damage. The second case states: Marita contracts to sing and dance in Horace’s nightclub for one month, beginning June 1. She then refuses to perform. In this scenario a contract for personal services is present, and a court will normally not grant specific performance of contracts for personal services. This is because to order a party to perform personal services against his or her will amounts to a type of involuntary servitude, which is contrary to the public policy expressed in the Thirteenth Amendment to the U. S. Constitution† (Miller & Jentz, 2008). Horace may be entitled to monetary damages from her backing out of the performances in this case. The third case states: Juan contracts to purchase a rare coin from Edmund, who is breaking up his coin collection. At the last minute, Edmund deci des to keep his coin collection intact and refuses to deliver the coin to Juan. This goes back to the element of the performance that is specific to a rare good. The coin is unique and monetary damages will not necessarily allow Juan to go out and purchase an identical substitute. In this case the courts would probably uphold the specific performance and make Edmund follow through with the original contract which is to sell the coin. Lastly, the final case states: Astro Computer Corp. has three shareholders. Among them are Coase, who own 48%, and Cary, who owns 4%. Cary contracts to sell his 4% to DeValle but later refuses to transfer the shares to him. I would say this share would be considered a unique good because each business has its own properties that make it different than other companies. I do not think we could compare the shares to a personal service, and the 4% would not have a definite monetary value. The monetary value of the share could change dramatically depending on the business. I think the courts would force Cary to uphold his contract and give the 4% to DeValle based on the fact that it would be hard to go out and purchase an identical substitute. References Miller, R. L. & Jentz, G. A. (2008). Fundamentals of Business Law Part I.

Thursday, August 15, 2019

Relationships at all levels involve complex powerplay

Present this task in the form of a discussion between two personalities. Base your response on your prescribed text and at least three other related texts of your own choosing. Introduction music to ‘Oprah' plays. Oprah Winfrey walks onstage, waving to the audience. Oprah: My my my, how are you today ladies and gentlemen? Well don't I have a special show for you today! An uninterrupted special of Oprah, that's right no advertisements, no newsbreaks, we have a delightful guest and I'm just so, so pleased that she could join us! Now as you know, I'm an open minded person and I just love talking to people, sorry, make that personalities, from all walks of life. This lovely girl has an amazing personality, and faced with a crisis, she remained dignified. Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome Clover! Clover trots onstage to a hearty round of applause. Oprah: Clover, how are you girlfriend? Clover: I'm great Oprah! Just glad to be away from Animal Farm. Whoops! I still call it that after all these years! Manor Farm it is now. Oprah: Well just to update our audience, Clover has been one busy babe. After leaving Manor Farm, Clover has gained her doctorate in psychology! You go girl! Interrupted by round of applause from audience And today she's hear to talk to us about powerplay. Clover: That's right Oprah. Back at Animal Farm, I guess I was a little slow to learn but they underestimated me. Since I found who I really am, it's just so refreshing! And studying psychology, I became very interested in power and how people gain power. Oprah: So do you have a hero, or heroine? Someone who you look at, as the epitome of power? Clover: Well not so much a hero. But I think Shakespeare was amazing, the way he portrayed power play. I mean, look at Othello. Iago is basically a slimy worm, but he gains so much power because he's so intelligent and confident in himself. He plays Othello and as Othello weakens, his strength just grows. It's fascinating. And Julius Caesar. Oprah: Tell us more about Caesar. Clover: Well Julius Caesar happens to be a personal favourite of mine actually. Caesar himself was a powerful man. He'd proved himself in battle, sucked up to the leaders of the time, even helped Pompey at one stage to gain power. By getting his foot in the political door early, he was paving his way into power. And oh, was he arrogant! But it was arrogance bred of power. The man spoke of himself in third person â€Å"†¦Caesar commands thy to speak!†¦Ã¢â‚¬  So forceful! He instantly commands power and elevates himself to others by speaking of himself in third person. Oprah: So you like a dominant man? Clover: Oh much more than that. I mean, even the very first act, I laugh every time! Marullus is like the majority of the Roman upper class, he sees the mob as a pack of sheep. The bastard even refers to them as â€Å"†¦you blocks, you stones, you worse than senseless things!† His metaphor, alluding to ‘dumb' stones is funny in itself. He thinks the crowd is brainless and nothing more than rocks and stones! But when you think about it, the whole city is built on stones and blocks- the important buildings, the roads and streets. The crowd, the mob, is the foundation of the city on which those in power must sit. So the crowd really does posses a lot of power! They just aren't aware of how to use it. Oprah: Hmmm, so you're saying the mob could make or break a guy in power? Clover: Well yes. When Murellus and Flavious encounter a couple of tradesmen in the first scene, the tradesman mocks them and hence gains power through their discomfort. There's Murellus and Flavious, speaking at the workmen â€Å"†¦what trade art thou? Answer me directly†¦Ã¢â‚¬  and calling them â€Å"†¦knave†¦Ã¢â‚¬ , so the cobbler tells him he's a â€Å"†¦mender of bad soles†¦Ã¢â‚¬ . Quiet laughter in the audience. But Cassius is more than just a commoner, he has ambition, therefore the powerplay that Cassius and Caesar engage in yields much bitterness from Cassius. I mean, Caesar at the beginning is absolute ruler â€Å"†¦He doth bestride the narrow world; Like a Colossus, and we petty men; Walk under his huge legs†¦Ã¢â‚¬ . Dramatic, emphatic language is used even by Cassius here†Ã¢â‚¬ ¦doth bestride†¦Ã¢â‚¬  and â€Å"†¦Colossus†¦Ã¢â‚¬ , emphasising his power and strength in the society. Whereas Caesar strides, the rest of the â€Å"†¦petty men†¦Ã¢â‚¬  only walk. However Cassius can identify that Caesar is powerful only because the rest of Rome has allowed themselves to be â€Å"†¦underlings†¦Ã¢â‚¬ . Like the Chinese Communist Party, Cassius believes those who have proven themselves within the political class should be in power. Oprah: So the cobbler gets power over the senators by, well ripping them off? Wow, there you have it ladies and gentlemen, those smart remarks you've been saying in your head, let 'em rip! Clover: Well, you have to remember that these commoners were pretty darn clever. They gained power by punning their words. But then, Murellus pulled some back soon after. He throws rhetorical questions at the â€Å"†¦naughty knaves†¦Ã¢â‚¬ . It's pretty well done on Murellus' part, he fires seven questions at them like â€Å"†¦wherefore rejoice? What conquest brings he home?†¦Ã¢â‚¬  before anyone else can get a single word in! Oprah: So he has power cause he's the one speaking? Well, lord I must have a hell of a lot of power! Clover: Pretty much. He's asserting himself again. A lot of stuff can be said through the spoken word. There's this commentator in Australia, Alan Jones. He's a very powerful man down there. I saw a documentary about him. Through his speeches and comments, he gains so much power. His medium is radio, and there are definitely people who call into the show to voice their opinions, but for a large part of the time, Alan Jones speaks uninterrupted. He himself is a gifted orator- he was the speech writer for an Australian Prime Minister even! Oprah: So what about at Manor Farm? Or Animal Farm? Who won in the talking steaks there?! Groan from audience. Clover: Well actually, that's a very interesting question. The pig who dreamed up the Rebellion, old Major, he drew an audience and we all used to listen- his word was law instantly. It was his quiet way, the regal way he â€Å"†¦sat ensconced on his bed of hay†¦Ã¢â‚¬ . But later, Napoleon of course was the public speaker. And he enforced it- with his damn dogs. They had us all scared half to death! His was a physical powerplay, intimidation. And because he used the crowd so to speak, he knew that we would all follow him, he wasn't questioned. But Squealer, well he operated differently. He was a suck up, that's for sure. But we believed him, listened to him, he â€Å"†¦could turn black into white†¦Ã¢â‚¬ . Squealer was like an advertisement, a living, breathing propaganda machine. Propaganda in itself is powerplay though. The Times magazine ran an article about the Chinese Communist Party, demonstrating how it uses a great deal of propaganda. Back to Squealer though, he managed to make everything sound very convincing, he exploited our naivety. One particularly vivid, emotional moment for me was when Boxer was injured. Squealer appeared to be â€Å"†¦full of sympathy and concern†¦Ã¢â‚¬  and he said all these nice things. He told us that Boxer's last wish was to see the â€Å"†¦windmill finished†¦Ã¢â‚¬ . That his last words were â€Å"†¦Forward comrades!†¦Ã¢â‚¬ . He used every chance he could to turn the situation around through his clever words to be in favour of ‘Comrade Napoleon'. He used us. We weren't the most educated animals, I mean, I admit it. Like Stalin led the uneducated , we never doubted the system because we couldn't fathom any other way. Oprah: Sounds like a nasty piece of work, doesn't he ladies and gentlemen? Kind of like those men who whisper sweet nothings and then drop you like a hot potato! Clover: Someone who did use the spoken word well though was Mark Antony. And he knew how to run the crowd as well. Unlike the senators, he didn't abuse his power over the crowd, well not in an insulting manner anyway. Antony respected the crowd and the power they held, but in his own way, he still played them. â€Å"†¦Friends, Romans, countrymen, lend me your ears!†¦Ã¢â‚¬  He gets their attention and draws them all together. By getting the crowd on his side, he has power behind him. And oh, he does play Brutus too! â€Å"†¦Brutus says he was ambitious; And Brutus is an honourable man†¦Ã¢â‚¬ . Oprah: Well doesn't that just drip with sarcasm! Clover: It sure does Oprah. And Antony dishonours Brutus, ridding him of his power because he has dishonoured him in the eyes of the crowd- where the real power lies. I mean, politicians need the crowd, they are only in power when they have the power of the people supporting them. Alan Jones, he had the admiration and loyalty of his students and his team and â€Å"†¦it was a hypnotic power of a charismatic man†¦Ã¢â‚¬ . As much as I hate to admit it, Napoleon had us under his command, through intimidation. And trickery too I might add. The Chinese Communist Party has an uncanny likeness to Napoleon and his way of running things. They play the crowd through intimidation and their hold over the Army, well let's say guns make sure that hold remains firm. Sorry Oprah, I've digressed again! Antony has something the crowd wants. Well he doesn't really, but he knows the crowd will be pleased with gifts and such- through Caesar's will. He leads the crowd to think what he wants them to think by teasing them, with the promise of reading the will. It's a subtle exploitation and goes to show how much power comes with knowledge! He ensures that the plebeians remain loyal to Caesar â€Å"†¦they were traitors!..† the crowd cries. And then â€Å"†¦The will! The testament!†¦Ã¢â‚¬  and so Antony tells them what they want to hear. And he did a good job of it too. Alan Jones, in his early days as a teacher gained his power through his crowd, but unlike Antony, Jones was able to choose his crowd to some degree. He valued â€Å"†¦more highly those who were prepared to follow an established game plan†¦Ã¢â‚¬ . This in itself is very demanding and forceful. He gains power through establishing a clear set of rules- his own rules. Jones went through a tough time, he was in trouble because it was alleged he accepted endorsements. However, he remained as powerful as ever. It was said in the documentary that if Jones â€Å"†¦didn't lose his audience, he didn't lose his power†¦Ã¢â‚¬ . This acknowledges to an even greater extent just how important the crowd is in giving power. The powerful know how to work the crowd in their play for power. And particularly in Julius Caesar, we can see that power often corrupts. Powerplays are about power transferring from one party to another. When this balance of power inevitably becomes unequal, corruption and evilness often creep into the equation. Even Antony, after gaining the crowd's support with Caesar's will, manipulated them to his own advantage, calling Lepidus an â€Å"†¦ass†¦Ã¢â‚¬  and likening him to a horse. Although I myself believe that this is a great compliment! Actually, in Rome at this time it seems that likening one to an animal inflicted a great deal of insult. In Brutus and Antony's exchange animal imagery shows just how fundamental power plays are- within nature and within human nature â€Å"†¦you showed your teeth like apes and fawned like hounds†¦Ã¢â‚¬ . Yes even those who posses great power can stoop to childish name calling! Oprah: They seem to be very strong, very forceful. Clover: Jones in particular was. He â€Å"†¦didn't accept fence sitters†¦Ã¢â‚¬  They were either on his side, or against him. By defining those clear boundaries, Jones is commanding power from those who are with him, because they support his opinion and their loyalty lies with him, and from those against him, because they are still playing by his rules, he forces them to make a decision and lets them know that he's not afraid of it. However, in Julius Caesar, Cassius isn't so forceful with Brutus. He is quite gentle, very subtle and strokes Brutus' ego to win him over. â€Å"†¦no man here; But honours you†¦Ã¢â‚¬  says Cassius to Brutus. Cassius does actually recognise that the power in politics lies with the people, as does Cinna â€Å"†¦O Cassius, if you could; But win the noble Brutus to our party†¦Ã¢â‚¬ . He knows that Brutus' reputation precedes him and basically, wants a piece of it. If Brutus is on his side, then Cassius is going to look a wh ole lot more reputable. Brutus' honour will garner the crowd. Oprah: well it sounds to me like the people in power get all the perks! But if there's so much power in the crowd, then how come it's the leaders that get all the glory? Clover: Cause they've won the war. Won the powerplay, the struggle. In reality, the power of the crowd disseminates to support the ruling class, ruling party. The most powerful. Like I said before, the Chinese Communist Party are alike Napoleon and his pigs. Napoleon stopped the Sunday meetings, he wouldn't let us in on anything, wouldn't let us have a say anymore. The Chinese Communist Party are insiders, â€Å"†¦picked, then rotated through a series of jobs to test their loyalty. They use secrecy as a weapon, â€Å"†¦part of an old fashioned weapon of rule†¦Ã¢â‚¬ . If no one knows anything, then they have the advantage of the element of surprise, if it is others trying to discover their secrets, then the power is shifted to the Communist Party- power lies with knowledge. At the farm, Moses was asleep in the barn when Major first told us of the Rebellion. He didn't approve because he didn't have in. Like the church when communism was introduced- they missed the boat and hence the communists had the power. Oprah: So what if two big names clash? Like the Sunday night movie and you're trying to figure out whether to watch Mel Gibson or Tom Cruise? What happens then? Clover: Well personally I prefer Mr Ed†¦ Oprah: Hey, whatever floats your boat hun! Clover: But the answer to your question is simply, one of them has to go. Just like Stalin ousted Trotskey, Napoleon got rid of Snowball when he became too much. Napoleon was smart, he knew the windmill would be a great idea. He knew that this would make us look at Snowball more favourably, and Napoleon couldn't afford to lose the support of the crowd! We all â€Å"†¦came to look at Snowballs drawings at least once†¦Ã¢â‚¬ . â€Å"†¦Only Napoleon held aloof†¦Ã¢â‚¬ . It even came to the point where half of us where in full support of Snowball- we wanted him in power. â€Å"†¦Vote for Snowball and the three day week!†¦Ã¢â‚¬ . So he got rid of him- powerplay using force. Snowball was a better orator than Napoleon â€Å"†¦in a moment Snowballs eloquence carried [us] away†¦Ã¢â‚¬ . And it was then Napoleon knew he was in trouble, so out came the dogs. It was terrifying we were terrified and â€Å"†¦scared†¦Ã¢â‚¬ . Napoleon's answer to any threat to his power was simple- force. Like the Communist Party. The magazine article left no question as to the forceful nature of the group: â€Å"†¦Whatever the leadership lineup that parades before the cameras this week, the message will be the same: leave the driving to us†¦Ã¢â‚¬ . Oprah: Do all people who gain power tend to have this group mentality? You know, strength in numbers? Clover: Well Caesar didn't need anyone but himself! But neither does Allan Jones really. I mean, they all use other people to gain power. But it has been said of Jones that he was able to â€Å"†¦polarise people†¦Ã¢â‚¬ , that he was very much a â€Å"†¦solo performer†¦Ã¢â‚¬ . Oprah: All this talk about all these men! What about our sistas hun, there has to be some powerful girlfriends in this men's club! Clover: Brutus' wife Portia, she's a woman and a half. Now, I don't know about you Oprah, but I'd do nearly anything to get the truth outta my hubby. I'd willingly kick him in the leg, you know, throw a feed bin at him, that kind of thing. She doesn't think much of her sex â€Å"†¦I grant I am a woman†¦Ã¢â‚¬ Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ Oprah: Wow those hunnies really needed someone like me around, right ladies?! Cheer from the audience Clover: But instead, she gave herself â€Å"†¦a voluntary wound†¦Ã¢â‚¬ . Oprah: Hell, now wouldn't that make the hubby shake in his boots! Clover: Yes, it did! But it worked, Portia gained power in Brutus' entrusting her with his men's secrets by this act of, well I like to call it insanity but some would say determination. Oprah: Well if that's that kind of guy Brutus is, I don't think I'd want to know his secrets! Clover: Brutus is a very complex man. His was of having power is by being unemotional†¦he holds his passion at bay and tries to rely on reputation and form and nobility rather than feelings. He is â€Å"†¦vexed†¦with passions†¦Ã¢â‚¬ . Although Brutus tries to regain some power in his exchange with Cassius â€Å"†¦Would not; Be any further moved†¦Ã¢â‚¬  by detaching himself from his emotions, Cassius appeals to Brutus' sense of personal worth â€Å"†¦Men at some time are masters of their fates; The fault, dear Brutus, is not in our stars; But in ourselves, that we are underlings†¦Ã¢â‚¬ . However, the guy is only human, and Cassius knows that he can seduce Brutus into complying, he can flatter his way into gaining power over Brutus â€Å"†¦Who is so firm that cannot be seduc'd†¦Ã¢â‚¬ . Oprah: It's fair to say Clover hun, that you've had some well, quite negative encounters with leaders and power in your lifetime. What are your views on it all now? Clover: It's human nature Oprah. And animal nature too I guess. I mean, out in the wild it's survival of the fittest, but in this day and age it's survival of the fittest, smartest, best talker, the one who can get into the head of the crowd. We need leaders. Hell, even a farm of animals need a leader! I mean, under Jones, we were miserable. He was someone in a position of power who exploited us. We weren't as educated as he, hence less powerful and his routine made the farm like a well oiled machine- at our expense. On our own, it would have been fine, except Napoleon became corrupted also, by power again exploiting us. The Chinese Communist Party, they are a self perpetuating group who breed their own leaders- sacrifices made by the party for the party. Alan Jones tended to apply favouritism to his students, selecting the strong and talented and dedicated. There are flaws in all these powerful people, even Caesar's arrogance and Antony, his manipulation of the crowd. But powerplays are exchanges I guess, and power is gained by exploitation of the opposition's weaknesses. By reducing the power of one, your own is strengthened. That's just the way it is I guess. Old Major, he wanted a perfect place, his own version of ‘Sugarcandy Mountain' I guess. â€Å"†¦Above all, no animal must ever tyrannise over his own kind. Weak or strong, clever or simple, we are all brothers†¦Ã¢â‚¬ . All that said, I'll repeat- it's human nature. At the conclusion of Julius Caesar, we can know as an audience that this scenario will repeat itself. More people will suffer, sacrifice, die for power, it is the nature of humanity. Oprah: Well Clover, that's about all we have time for. It's just been an amazing story you've had to tell, you've certainly opened my eyes. I'd like to thank you for coming on the show today†¦ Clover: It's my pleasure Oprah. Thankyou for having me! Oprah: You're welcome, you're welcome darling, now ladies and gentlemen let's thank Clover! Round of applause from audience Music plays and credits roll.